words ending in rate 5 letters
Here are some 5-letter words that end with “rate”:
1. Crate
2. Drate
3. Frate
4. Grate
5. Irate
6. Orate
7. Prate
8. Urate
9. Wrate
These words may have different meanings and uses. For example, “crate” refers to a large wooden box used for transporting goods, while “grate” can mean a framework of metal bars or a harsh, scraping sound. “Irate” describes someone who is extremely angry, and “orate” means to speak publicly in an eloquent or formal manner. “Prate” means to talk foolishly or excessively, and “urate” refers to a salt or ester of uric acid.
words ending in rate 5 letters
These words provide a variety of options for different contexts and word games.