letters before q sometimes
In the English language, there are few words that contain the letter “q” without being followed by the letter “u.” These words are often borrowed from other languages. Here are some examples:
letters before q sometimes
1. Qat: A shrub native to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, the leaves of which are chewed as a stimulant.
2. Qi: In Chinese philosophy, the circulating life force whose existence and properties are the basis of much Chinese medicine and martial arts.
3. Qaid: A Muslim tribal chief or leader in certain parts of the Middle East.
4. Qadi: A judge in a Muslim community, especially in Islamic law.
5. Qanat: An underground canal used in water supply systems in the Middle East and Central Asia.
6. Qindar: The former monetary unit of Albania.
7. Qorma: A type of South Asian curry dish.
letters before q sometimes
These words are exceptions to the general rule that “q” is almost always followed by “u” in English words.